
Many feel that chewing nails is perhaps by far the most innocuous amongst the so called bad habits. A large number of children and in many cases adults have the habit of nail biting but nail biting should never be taken lightly. It includes grave results.

Have you ever thought what are the function of your nails is? Well, it has to protect your fingertips. It can help you to pick up small things and yes, how can we forget its function to relive itching. Now think about nail biting and also the situation when you don’t have those nails to help you out.

Even more, when you bit your nails you are actually breaking the skin and that becomes an entry point for germs. If you have seen any compulsive nail biting person you would be aware that they engage in nail biting so much so that they actually bleed the finger nails. And thats generally a sure shot way for you to get infections.

Any expert would tell you that germs reside under your fingernails and nail biting results in the transfer of those germs from your nails to your mouth. And if that is not enough, try to visualize all the things you touched all through the day and now think about all those getting an entry into the mouth. Yes, I am talking about your smelly socks, slimy creatures for your lab work and what not?

You need to use special nail polish that tastes very awful and that would help you stop nail biting. It tastes so bitter that you won't put your fingers again in your mouth.

Onychophagia or biting nails is a fairly serious habit that could be endured by both adults and children all over the world. The act of biting nails may well be credited to many different features such as oral fixations, nervousness,anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder and a number of other others.

Although biting your nails does not usually create instantaneous health risks, it can develop into some serious health and personal problems eventually. Not only can biting one's nails effect in permanent damage to the nail and skin around the nails, it can also lead to some significant problems outside of the physical appearance of your nails.

Action to stop biting nails differ greatly and can consist of a habit reversal training, medications, counseling and other techniques that may well be suggested by a doctor. The knowledge shared in the stop biting nails book will never be intended as a replacement for professional help. It is accessible solely as real life experiences and tips learned from real sufferers of nail biting.


Now don't these look GOOD!!